Graduate Studies
Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (M.A.C.C.)
Credit Hours: 36 | Total Cost: $6,600.00 | Prerequisites: Bachelor's Degree | Textbooks: NOT Included
The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
Are you called to heal the brokenhearted, strengthen couples and families, and walk people through life’s challenges? Earn your Master of Arts in Christian Counseling and become a competent, church-based religious counselor.
The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling degree is designed to prepare the student for a specialized ministry in the counseling of individuals, couples, families, and special focus groups within the context of the local church, para-church ministries, church-related agencies, or other religious settings. The program enables the student to employ integrative therapies: integrating proven, effective counseling methods, models, and modalities, with sound biblical and theological principles. The vision of the church is to be a healing community. Hope for hurting individuals and families is an essential element of the Christian message. The MA program equips the student to help people realize personhood wholeness in every area of human life – spirit, mind, and body – and to facilitate marriage and family harmony and enrichment.
Courses You Will Complete to Earn Your Degree
The twelve courses listed comprise the Master’s degree in Christian Counseling. Changes or substitutions are subject to the approval of the Academic Dean. Substitutions may be made if some of the courses below have already been taken.
CO 500 - Psychology and Theology
CE 502 - Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management
CO 510 - Human Development
CO 530 - Counseling Theories and Strategies
CO 540 - Crisis Counseling
CO 550 - Marriage and Family Counseling
CO 560 - Assessment and Diagnosis
CO 610 - Group Dynamics
CO 620 - Addiction Counseling
CO 630 - Cross-Cultural Counseling
CO 640 - Ethics and Law
CO 710 - Human Sexuality
Our Goals for the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling Degree​
To prepare students for the specialized ministry of individual, marriage and family, and issue focused group counseling within the church, para-church ministries, church-related agencies, and other religious settings, and to provide the educational foundation for further study in Christian Counseling.
To enable students to help people realize personhood wholeness in every area of human life — spirit, mind, and body.
To equip students to recruit and train knowledgeable lay persons as peer counselors and para-counselors to provide supportive counseling services to and within the local congregation and community.
To assist students in the formulation of an integrative counseling approach, incorporating proven counseling techniques with a sound biblical and theological understanding of the ministry of counseling.
To offer a program curriculum for those students who desire to learn more about applying professional methods and modalities within a Christian counseling framework.
What You’ll Be Able To Do When You Earn Your MA in Christian Counseling
Develop a personal philosophy of counseling, which integrates the latest theories, trends, and techniques of professional counseling with sound biblical principles, in a Christian Counseling modality.
Effectively work with people in the local church and Christian Counseling ministry setting.
Promote an awareness of the integrative compatibility between the behavioral sciences and the ministry of the Holy Spirit as they relate to the counseling process.
Develop the therapeutic, preventive, educative, and facilitative skills of Christian Counseling.
Demonstrate an understanding of methods of assessing and evaluating individual psychological functions, such as intelligence and personality and the dysfunctions thereof evidenced in psychological distress and personality disorders.
Strengthen competency in data collection, analysis, assessment, and evaluation in Christian Counseling.
Promote an understanding of human nature and development based on a Christian theological perspective.
Develop research capabilities designed to foster and expand knowledge about the current practice of Counseling within a Christian context.
Students who wish to receive the Clinical Degree concentration for the Masters in Christian Counseling must complete the 6 courses listed below from the National Christian Counseling Association. The cost of textbooks for each course is $100.00. The student must also complete and submit 10 Arno Profile System (APS) Reports which are $30.00 each. NCCA membership fees are $50 per year and the background check is $100.00. Completion of the courses listed below will lead to certification with NCCA.
Clinical Degree Concentration Course Requirements
BCC101 - Basic Christian Counseling
THE301 - Temperament Theory
THE201 - Testing/Measurements
THE306 - Temperament Therapy
PSY301 - Christian Psychology and Counseling
MPC300 - Mastering Pastoral Counseling
Master of Arts in Christian Education (M.A.C.E.)
Credit Hours: 36 | Total Cost: $6,600.00 | Prerequisites: Bachelor's Degree | Textbooks: NOT Included
The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
Are you called to teach and invest in the lives of children in the Christian School or Church environment? Earn your Master of Arts in Christian Education degree.
The Master of Arts in Christian Education is designed to provide advanced training in Biblical principles of Christian Education. This degree prepares one to do educational tasks in a Christian setting. Among these are teaching, supervising, developing, and implementing Christian education programs. Students desiring state licensure or certification should check with their state authorities before entering the program to ascertain if it is acceptable in their state. The program may be creditable on school salary scales. For those who are already in a school position, check with the administration of the school regarding acceptability.
CE 501 - Church Administration and Leadership
CE 502 - Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management
CE 503 - Advanced Leadership and Administration
CO 510 - Human Development
ED 500 - Philosophy of Christian Education
ED 600 - Primary Christian Education
ED 620 - Secondary Christian Education
ED 650 - Curriculum Development in Christian Education
ED 750 - Teaching Methodology
LE 501 - Introduction to Leadership and Leaders
MT 504 - Evangelism in the Local Church
PT 504 - Christian Worldview
Our Goals for the Degree Program
To prepare students to oversee the Christian Education program of a local church and to develop lay ministries within the church setting.
To develop a philosophy of Christian Education which is based upon solid biblical, theological, and educational foundations.
To equip students to mobilize and motivate lay persons to assist in the teaching ministry of the church.
To inform students of the latest trends, theories, and creative teaching methods in the field of Christian Education.
To assist the student in the integration of theory and practice which will result in effective evangelism and Christian nurture within the church.
What You Will Learn When You Earn Your MA in Christian Education Degree
Understand the foundations of religious education and to conceptualize these understandings in the church educational ministry;
Communicate to, lead, motivate, manage, and administer people and programs in the educational ministries of the church;
Develop, evaluate, and administer curriculum in the church educational program and to serve as a resource person in the area of curriculum;
Model an effective role as teacher and leader and to assist lay people to develop teaching and leadership skills;
Develop specialized ministries to meet unique needs of individuals in the educational program;
Enable lay people to worship, witness, teach, minister, motivate, and apply Christian faith in life and to initiate and administer programs in these areas;
Function effectively in interpersonal relationships;
The twelve courses listed comprise the Master’s degree in Christian Education. Substitutions are subject to the approval of the Academic Dean. Substitution may be made if some of the above courses have already been taken (graduate transcripts of courses must be submitted for evaluation). A Master’s Thesis or Comprehensive Exam based on the course content may be required.
Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (M.A.C.L.)
Credit Hours: 36 | Total Cost: $6,600.00 | Prerequisites: Bachelor's Degree | Textbooks: NOT Included
The Master of Arts in Christian Leadership
Are you called to lead? Are you in a position of influence in your church, community, or ministry? Do you want to enhance your leadership abilities and learn healthy principles for leading from the world’s experts in Leadership studies?
Our Master of Arts in Christian Leadership degree program is a unique program offered as In-Person/Online Studies. The program is directed by Dr. Jake Givan, Dean of ICUI College of Bishops. The program is offered in cooperation with the Center for Healthy Leadership and is designed to prepare leaders in churches with leadership skills to lead the next generation of leaders.
CE 501 - Church Administration and Leadership
CE 502 - Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management
CE 503 - Advanced Leadership and Administration
LE 501 - Introduction to Leadership and Leaders
LE 502 - Ministry Leadership Foundations
LE 503 - Dynamics of Effective Leaders and Followers
LE 504 - Spirituality and Leadership
LE 505 - Contemporary Issues in Leadership
LE 506 - Leader Development
LE 511 - Leadership Practicum
PT 504 - Christian Worldview
The Master of Arts in Christian Leadership degree program consists of 36 credit hours. It is recommended that the degree program begins with the student selecting a resident mentorship in the locality of the student. The student will then complete LE501 and LE502. At the same time, he or she will begin LE 511, the Leadership Practicum, which will continue throughout the entire degree program. After completing LE 501 and 502, the student will continue with the additional courses, completing one at a time. The student will take approximately 16-24 months to finish the entire degree program.
Our Goals for the M.A.T.S. Degree…
To give students a biblical and theological foundation for effective ministry
To build the student’s understanding and application of the theological aspects of ministry
To broaden the student’s ministry perspective to include urban and global realities with a Christian worldview
To provide students with knowledge of a range of basic theological disciplines
To prepare students to bring theological disciplines into creative and critical interaction with other disciplines
To provide students with a critical and contextual appropriation and appreciation of Christian tradition
To provide an opportunity to develop his/her ability to think and to analyze theologically
To prepare students further graduate study, including the Master of Divinity and/or Doctor of Ministry.
After Completing the M.A.T.S. Degree, You Will Be Able To…
Grasp the basic content and structure of the Old and New Testaments of Scripture as well as to understand the broad storyline of the Bible.
Develop sensitivity to issues and procedures in interpretation of the text so that with a facility in the original languages the student will be able to communicate the message of that Scripture in a way that stays faithful to the intention of the text and is relevant for people today.
Gain an awareness of the unique beliefs of the Christian faith and an understanding of the evidence on which that faith is based as well as a sense of how to apply basic biblical principles to life’s ethical issues.
Formulate and articulate a distinctively Christian worldview.
Demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning.
Deepen Christian character and personal spiritual life, acquire the ability to think as a Christian about life and culture, and use resources to derive answers for developing issues in a pluralistic world.
Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the Bible and theology and the ability to integrate this knowledge with daily life and work.
Communicate the Christian faith and its theological identity in private and in public.
Minister to people personally and facilitate the ministry of persons for whom they have leadership responsibilities.
Function as a lifelong learner and apply understanding of the developmental process and learning to facilitate learning among other people.
Demonstrate competent skills in the study and interpretation of the scriptures and their personal and community applications.
Articulate a theological and historical understanding of the Christian faith and its ethical implications for the individual, community, and Christian ministry.
Continue to grow in one’s relationship with Christ through the practices of spiritual formation.
Apply cognitive disciplines that foster continued growth and effectiveness in Christian living and ministry.