Doctoral Studies
Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min.)
Credit Hours: 45 | Total Cost: $7,600.00 | Prerequisites: Master's Degree in Theological Studies | Textbooks: NOT Included
The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
The purpose of this degree program is to equip the student for a higher level of competence in the practice of ministry than that achieved in the foundation work normally resulting in a M.Div. degree. The Doctor of Ministry degree program is designed to serve the need of ministers for an experience of continuing education which renews the personal life of faith, further develops professional competence, and stimulates continued growth in biblical and theological foundations for ministry.
Nature of the Program
Admission to the Doctor of Ministry Program is based on high competence in theology and ministry, as well as motivation to do research in a recognized area of ministry. Competence in theology may be demonstrated by having completed a minimum of a Master of Theology Studies degree or equivalent with a balanced curriculum, including disciplines in biblical studies, ethics, and studies in ministry. Competence in ministry may be demonstrated by a documented minimum of three years of full-time ministerial service or five years part-time service. A complete transcript of previous academic work is to be submitted before an application for admission can be acted on.
Core Courses:
The student will complete seven core courses from the listed programs, each of which constitute five semester credit hours. A 20-page paper is to be written on each topic. Upon completion of the core topics the student will be advanced to candidacy. Course listing descriptions are provided to the student in a separate document as requested. Prerequisites: 15 graduate credit hours in Bible Theology.
The Doctor of Ministry degree requires 45 credits: 35 credits for core courses and 10 credits for the Doctoral Project.
Doctor of Ministry Core Areas
Christian Counseling
Christian Education
Guided Readings
Guided readings are to reflect an area of research that is directed toward the writing of the doctoral project. The student is to choose guided readings as approved by the Doctoral Committee, to read and reflect on; intellectually, spiritually, and vocationally. These readings must then be documented in the form of an annotated bibliography with synoptic abstracts of the works that have been read. This exercise is an opportunity for the student to begin his or her doctoral research. There is no minimum or maximum amount of words to be written, but the writings must be comprehensive enough to cover the topic. The completed Guided Readings are a part of the doctoral project.
Doctoral Proposal
The student is to then write a proposal for the Doctorate, describing the project according to the prescribed format. The completed proposal is to be approved by the Doctoral Committee of GOTSI Institute. The process and format for a Doctoral Proposal is described in Research Writing Made Easy and the resource titled Steps to Completing Your Doctoral Project/Dissertation. These resources will be provided by the GOTSI Academic Advisor.
Doctoral Project
The student is then (upon approval of the proposal) to begin writing his or her Doctoral Project, according to the specific format. The Doctoral Project is the finishing work for the doctoral degree, and is what provides the right to be called “Doctor.” It is worth 10 credits towards the degree program. The guidelines for the writing of the Project are again found in the book Research Writing Made Easy, and with the help of your doctoral project coordinator, you will be able to complete your goal.
Choose one of the following emphases:
DM803 - Counseling, Family Life, and Pastoral Leadership
DM807 - Conflict Management and Resolution in Church Life
CC840 - Clinical Applications of Counseling in the Church
CC850 - Psychopathology and Sin
CC860 - Psychotherapy, Pastoral Counseling, and Inner Healing
CC870 - Psychology and Theology: A Personal Integration
CC880 - Personality Theory, Therapy: A Christian Worldview
DM801 - Church Growth and Leadership
DM810 - Leadership Principles Applied to Pastoral Ministry and Church Extension
ED810 - Conflict Resolution in Educational Leadership
ED820 - Human Behavior and Management in Education
ED830 - Psychology of Learning in Education
ED840 - Philosophy of Educational Leadership
ED850 - Educational Leadership for Private School and Church
Choose Seven of the Following Courses:
DM800 - Leadership in Pastoral Care: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of leadership in pastoral care.
DM801 - Church Growth and Leadership: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of church growth and leadership.
DM802 - Cross Cultural Perspectives in Pastoral Leadership: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of cross-cultural perspectives in pastoral leadership.
DM803 - Counseling, Family Life and Pastoral Leadership: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of counseling, family life and pastoral leadership.
DM804 - The Media, Leadership, and the Church: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of the media, leadership, and the church.
DM805 - Spiritual Development of the Pastor, Church, and Community: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of spiritual development of the pastor, church, and community.
DM806 - Ethics and the Church in today’s Culture – A Pastoral Perspective: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of ethics and the church in today’s culture.
DM807 - Conflict Management and Resolution in Church Life: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of conflict management and resolution in church life.
DM809 - Women in Ministry: The Controversy Over Ordination of Women: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of the controversy over ordination of women.
DM810 - Leadership Principles Applied to Pastoral Ministry and Church Extension: Registration in this course entitles the student to the services related to the “core topic” papers for Doctorate of Ministry requirement “Component Two.” The student will select a core topic and write a 20-page paper.
DM811 - Missions in the 21st Century: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of missions in the 21st century.
DM812 - The New Apostolic Reformation: Paradigms and Procedures: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of the new apostolic reformation.
DM813 - Psychology and Theology: Conflictual or Complementary: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of psychology and theology.
DM814 - Contemporary Theology and Evangelical Belief: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of contemporary theology and evangelical belief.
DM816 - Renewal Ministry from a Historical Church Perspective: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of renewal ministry from a historical church perspective.
DM817 - Revival and Church Planting – Principles of Translation: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of revival and church planting.
DM818 - Preaching: Its place and Importance in Contemporary Worship: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of preaching.
DM819 - Contemporary Worship: The Strengths and Weaknesses: This is an independent study project, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of contemporary worship.
Students who wish to receive the Clinical Degree concentration for the Doctorate in Christian Counseling must complete the 6 courses listed below from the National Christian Counseling Association. The cost of textbooks for each course is $100.00. The student must also complete and submit 10 Arno Profile System (APS) Reports which are $30.00 each. NCCA membership fees are $50 per year and the background check is $100.00. Completion of the courses listed below will lead to certification with NCCA.
Clinical Degree Concentration Course Requirements
BCC101 Basic Christian Counseling
THE301 Temperament Theory
THE201 Testing/Measurements
THE306 Temperament Therapy
PSY301 Christian Psychology and Counseling
MPC300 Mastering Pastoral Counseling
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Credit Hours: 36 | Total Cost: $8,600.00 | Prerequisites: Master's Degree | Textbooks: NOT Required
The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
A major may be selected in any of the following religious concentrations; Christian Counseling, Christian Education, Leadership and Theological Studies.
Our Doctor of Philosophy graduate program is based on the European university model of “research degrees” which are entirely research-based, rather than course-based. The Ph.D. degree is awarded based on substantial original research; the Ph.D. has a prerequisite of an MA degree (or its equivalent), and requires the student to write a 250-page dissertation (36 credits) on a topic centered on the student selected concentration.
Required courses for each degree program are subject to change without notice or upon the recommendation of one of our academic advisors.
Please contact GOTSI Academic Advisor for a list of required courses to earn your degree in one of the above majors.
GOTSI Bible Institute is now offering the Accelerated Dual Degree Programs, which allows you to earn your combined BA and MA by completing the required courses and a thesis for the Master’s Degree. You can also earn your combined Master’s and Doctorate Degree by completing just 12 courses and a Thesis for the Master’s degree and a Doctoral Dissertation ONLY, for the Doctorate degree.
GOTSI Bible Institute offers the British Model Ph.D. and M.A. Degree which requires the completion of a Thesis {Dissertation} to receive your M.A. or Ph.D. degree.
The British Model allows you to earn the Ph.D. Degree in less than one year, if you have a Master’s Degree in any discipline! Or, with a Bachelor’s Degree, you can earn the M.A. & Ph.D. Degrees by enrolling in the Accelerated M.A. /Ph.D. Dual Degree Program.
Published literary works may be accepted in lieu of dissertation and or thesis upon review of our Dissertation/Thesis Committee.
*The concentration for both degrees must be the same. Students that wish to pursue a different degree concentration must contact GOTSI Academic Advisor for terms, conditions and payment options*
Design your own Degree Program!
Interested in a degree that’s not listed on our website? We can help you create a customized degree program that matches your interests and goals. With our custom degree program we can offer many of the same degrees and or majors that most other schools offer. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your academic needs and goals. We would like to help you get the degree that you deserve and the degree that you desire. Please contact us if you are interested in a particular course that you do not see listed here on our website.
One of the smartest tools you can use to reach your educational goals is your Degree Completion Plan (DCP). Like a roadmap to success, the DCP spells out required and optional courses for your degree and their credit value, with space for you to document the semester each course was taken and the grade you received as you advance through your program. Using the DCP will allow you to plan your approach, monitor your progress, stay on track and avoid pre-graduation surprises.