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Degree Programs Designed To Meet Your Individual Goals

Are you looking for a degree program that will enhance your ministry and help you fulfill your calling?​ If you're interested in joining a community of biblical scholars that is second to none, you're in the right place.

Learn more about the GOTSI Academic Programs.

Doctorate's Degree Application

Do you agree with the GOTSI statement of faith?
Are you presently active in ministy?

REQUIRED INFORMATION: (Must send copy of transcript transfer form for our records)

Educational Data

I hereby, state that all the information contained in this application is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that completion of this application in no way guarantees or implies acceptance as a Students at GOTSI’s schools. I understand that upon acceptance of this Application, I become a Student Member of GOTSI.

Student Payment Agreement:

1. Congratulations, welcome to the Doctoral Degree Program. After your initial payment of $600.00, remaining tuition, book fees and graduation of $7,100.00 is to be paid in full or month payments. The initial payment of $600.00 is to be turned in with the Student Application and Addendum Form. Student, may also pay the $7,600.00 in full by check or credit card. You’re Student Application and Addendum Form is to be completed and turned into the GOTSI Administrative Office. â€‹

Check the program aplied for:

​GOTSI 30 Day Policy: After 30 days from the start of the first class, student(s) that decides to drop

the course or cannot complete this course for any reason will may receive a full refund. (You have 30 days to decide).

2. After your first payment, the students may mail or electronically debit their payment monthly to GOTSI. Your payment will always be due according to the day of the month that the school started. Example: If the school started on June 20th, then your next payment will be due on July 20th.

3. Students will make checks or money order made payable to GOTSI in an envelope addressed to: Gathering of the Saints International Bible Institute, 2378 Dogwood Drive, Conyers, GA 30013.


By signing below, you are stating that you understand and agree to the guidelines and procedures of GOTSI.

Thanks for submitting!

Dive into Your Destiny

We're excited for you to join the GOTSI community—step into your ministerial calling today.

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2378 Dogwood Dr. S.E.

Conyers, GA 30013





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